I am not creative. I am stuck. I am procrastinating. I am overwhelmed. I am too old. I am not good enough. I am not a real artist.

Have you said, thought or believed any of these statements?

I HAVE. And I was amazed how KMCC’s simple tools could turn these thoughts and beliefs around!

Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching uses kind, fun, compassionate, non -linear tools based on small steps to get past creative blocks like these and helps to live your best creative life. Not only do I apply these tools to my creative practice but use them successfully in other aspects of my daily life.

As a coach soon to be certified with Kaizen-Muse I individualize the experience as no two creatives are alike. If you are not getting to your creativity, would like to be more creative and something is getting in your way I invite you to join me for a complimentary mini-session. Let’s see what your needs are and if Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching is a good fit to help you live your best creative life.

email me at JohannaCreates@gmail.com